Canadian Cinematographer Magazine is back in print! Members should be receiving their paper copies in the mail. During the pandemic, printing of the magazine was suspended.
- Tobie Marier Robitaille csc Blends Magic and Realism in Night of the Kings
- James Klopko csc Makes Worlds Collide in A Fire in the Cold Season
- Thomas Harting csc breaks down his career path in the Member Spotlight
- Joan Hutton csc signs off in her final Editor-in-Chief column
- On Set: out and about with CSC members
- Tech Column: the Chronos 2.1 HD reviewed
- Tobie Marier Robitaille csc mêle magie et réalisme dans Night of the Kings
- James Klopko csc fait entrer des mondes en collision dans A Fire in the Cold Season
- Thomas Harting csc décrit son cheminement de carrière dans la section un membre sous les projecteurs
- Joan Hutton csc tire sa révérence dans sa dernière chronique en tant que rédactrice en chef.
- Sur le plateau: des membres CSC en action
- La chronique techno: évaluation de la Chronos 2.1 HD