CSC Live: The Importance of Mentorship
Associate Members Vinit Borrison and Scott McClellan host CSC Live with their mentees Asmaa Er-Rouhi, Companion Member and Howard Wan, Associate Member from the CSC Field of View Mentorship Program.
Read MoreCSC Live: Lets Talk Lenses
On this CSC Live session, Martin Wojtunik, Associate Member talks with Jay Holben, the ASC’s co-chair of the Motion Imaging Technology Council Lens Committee, about various aspects of lensing and how different types can be used for a creative intent.
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CSC Live: Short vs Long Production
Directors of Photography Anthony Metchie csc, Rion Gonzales Associate Member, Keenan Lynch Associate Member and Lighting Technician Rohan Lawrence discuss their careers and the differences between short and long format productions.
Read MoreCSC Live: Virtual Production
The next CSC Live will be our first discussion about Virtual Production and the different applications of these emerging technologies. From video walls with camera tracking to the use of systems like Unreal Engine to create incredible photo realistic, real time previz sequences, these panelists who are utilizing and developing these systems will share their experiences with VP and how it is poised to affect filmmaking in Canada.
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Doug Koch csc
This podcast features Director of Photography Doug Koch csc in conversation with Carolyn Wong of the CSC.
Doug chats about his latest feature, Funny Boy, directed by Deepa Mehta. Hear in detail his sneaky lighting trickery, dealing with really-really dark situations, aperture pulling, power outages, 100% handheld and feeling liberated by a ‘real jazz’ style shooting approach for this film. Needless to say, Doug is admittedly pleased with what he was able to accomplish on this 31 day, very low-budget film shot under extreme (heat) weather conditions in Sri Lanka.
Podcast post production services were provided courtesy of ZERO11ZERO
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CSC Live: Bolero – Advanced Crew Communications
Join us for our first CSC Live session since August! During this interactive session, we will be taking a close look at the Bolero intercom system, made by Riedel Communications Inc. Jeremy Benning csc will discuss his introduction to this system on a recent Disney project with Jason Ross from Riedel and Peter Slisarenko from Matrix Video Communications. Questions from viewers will be part of the session.
Used by organizations such as Formula 1, Cirque du Soleil, Olympics, NFL etc, this extremely versatile and robust crew intercom system proves its value amidst the challenges of on set communication during pandemic filmmaking; but also as a new standard for film crews going forward.
Special guests Jason Vieira (A-Cam Op), Jasper Vrakking (DIT) and Malcolm Nefsky (Key Grip) will take part of the conversation as well to discuss their experience with using crew intercoms in general and how the Bolero system fit into their on set workflows.
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Kodak Master Awards Portraits
These portraits of Kodak Master Award recipients have been restored by Carlos Esteves csc

Harry Makin csc 1930-2020
Harry Makin csc is considered one of the finest cinematographers of his generation, renowned for his powerful visual interpretations and technical acumen. Makin was an astute cinematic talent who was innovative, ground-breaking and could raise a production to loftier heights through his creativity. Makin often compared filmmaking to a glass, where the director would begin filling it, but it was the cinematographer who topped it to the brim. Photos here were submitted by his son, cinematographer David Makin csc.
CSC Audio Files Podcasts
Elie Smolkin csc
This podcast features Director of Photography Elie Smolkin csc in conversation with Carolyn Wong of the CSC.
Elie’s formative years in sports came to the fore when an elective gym course in high school was full and anded into a TV Production course where his love for cinematography was born. This led to meeting Kamal Derkaoui csc who generously mentored him. Elie loves the balance of technical, creative – the personality of lenses and customizing them for projects. Words of wisdom: Have your basics, try things, take risks when confident and don’t get complacent or let yourself get bored.
Guest hosted on the CSC instagram March 16-30, 2019
Podcast production services were provided courtesy of ZERO11ZERO
Release date:
18 August 2020

CSC Live: Luc Montpellier csc and Production Designer Peter Cosco
Luc Montpellier csc and Production Designer Peter Cosco talk musicals and production design. Rocky Horror Picture Show is the film they focus on (the new version they both worked on together).