About the CSC


CSC Insight Series

CSC Insight: Guy Godfree csc

Guy Godfree csc talks about the true success behind every job and recognizing everyone else’s collective effort in creating the picture. (SPONSORED BY CINELEASE LRX)

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CSC Insight Series

CSC Insight: Claudine Sauvé csc

Claudine Sauvé csc talks about her experience in the film industry.

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CSC Insight Series

CSC Insight: Jeremy Benning csc

Jeremy Benning talks about his career path and tells the story of coming out in the industry and the importance of being a role model to others in the LGBTQ community. Sometimes, making a spec reel and passion project is the key to taking your work to the next level. Embrace the uncertainty of the film business and know that the next opportunity is always around the corner, even when dealt with disappointments. Don’t be afraid to ask for suggestions from your team and be comfortable with knowing when to let go of the small stuff.

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CSC Insight Series

CSC Insight: Alan Poon csc

Alan Poon dives deep into the topics of imposter syndrome, diversity within the film industry, role models and the importance of mentorship.

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CSC Insight Series

CSC Insight: Bobby Shore csc

Bobby Shore talks about the realities of breaking into the industry, the importance of seeing the crew as humans first and the forks in the road ahead and how to prepare for them.

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2022 Awards Gala

CSC Insight Series

CSC Insight: Zoe Dirse csc

Zoe Dirse csc recalls the lack of women in the industry when she started her career and takes a deeper look into the female gaze. Listen to some of her great advice on imposter syndrome and how to create your own opportunities towards becoming a cinematographer!

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CSC Insight Series

CSC Insight: Jordan Oram Associate Member

Jordan Oram, Associate Member discusses his career path, lessons learned along the way and the creation of Higher Hire, whose goal is to create direct pathways and opportunities for underrepresented talent to develop the tools, knowledge and networks necessary to build a successful career in production.

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On Set Photos

Photos submitted from our members on set. These curated images are also featured in Canadian Cinematographer magazine.

CSC Workshops: Colour Science for Cinema Cameras | LED Lighting Theory for Cinematography

Webinar held on May 30, 2021. Kino Flo Founder Frieder Hoccheim gives an extensive presentation on LED colour science, and how different digital camera sensors read the same light sources differently and how to plan for this and understand how to manage these factors. Points of interest along the way included a discussion about the […]

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