The Canadian Society of Cinematographers announced today a deal has been reached with Sim to provide a home for CSC offices on the third floor of Sim Vancouver headquarters at 3645 Grandview Highway.
The donation of space to the CSC through The Future is Calling Campaign, brings the level of Sim’s support of the campaign to an excess of a quarter of a million dollars, and involves cash as well as in-kind support.
“Along with the dedicated office space, the CSC will have access to our in-house 1600 square foot studio test space,” says Sim Vice President Ken Anderson. The CSC-Sim Education and Gathering Space also includes room for receptions and educational space for workshop activities, use of a board room, and capacity to build a small training studio. “Sim is looking forward to partnering with the CSC to host social and educational events to bring CSC members, crews, production teams and potential new talent together to collaborate and share knowledge and ideas,” says Anderson. “For BC-based members, and as a home away from home for those who have travelled to Vancouver for projects will have the comfort of a space to put down their roots on the West Coast.”

“I’m so pleased that the CSC has come this far in making the society a truly national organization,” says Philip Lanyon, csc, VP Western Region of the CSC, a member of The Future is Calling Campaign Cabinet and award-winning, Vancouver-based cinematographer.
“The new Vancouver office represents our dedication to help grow the already amazing western Canada film making community and connect our talented cinematographers with each other, the rest of the country and the world. With Sim’s help—and the generous donations of our respected industry partners—our capacity to produce seminars, hands-on education activities, online content, and workshops increases one hundred-fold.”
Sim and the Canadian Society of Cinematographers are natural partners.
“The space at Sim Grandview will allow CSC members to collaborate with other cinematographers and technicians to develop and test creative concepts and share their ideas,” continues Ken Anderson. “As the CSC continues to develop a new vision and strategy with a focus on education and diversity to attract top creative and technical talent across the country, Sim is proud to provide a space for members to gather and continue working towards an exciting future.”
Having a great work environment for staff, and education, gathering and production spaces on the west coast will be a game changer for the CSC and shows the depth of industry support for the organization’s work, according to CEO Susan Saranchuk.
“When we publicly launched The Future is Calling Campaign in November to increase our national outreach, provide learning and gathering environments for current and emerging cinematographers and improve access to the camera arts for marginalized communities, we never dreamed of the strength of support from our industry champions. We are humbled, and honoured, and thrilled.”
For more information:
Susan Saranchuk, CEO, Canadian Society of Cinematographers,
Ken Anderson, Vice President, Camera, Sim Video International,
Philip Lanyon, csc, VP Western,