New Insight Series Video

A Discussion on Drone Piloting and Operating

Tom Comet Associate Member

Drone pilot and Associate Member Tom Comet discusses his perspective on drone work for commercials and episodic television.

Tom’s team is based in the Toronto area. Since early on, Tom has always had a keen interest in aviation, innovation and robotics, so the drone/UAV world was a perfect fit. He has been piloting drones since 2012 and obtained his certification soon after that. Tom has his multiengine IFR pilot’s license which enables him to fly real airplanes planes as well which gives him a much better understanding of the “big picture” in the skies above. Can’t get the shot with a drone – how about from the plane…? These days Tom is happiest building custom camera rigs in the shop, flying specialty UAVs, and shooting stunning photos and video from high above using whatever technology gets the job done best.

See his team and their work here: