Congratulations to the following newly accredited CSC member:

Gabriel Levesque CSC
Photo credit: David McDonald
Since early 2000, Gabriel has worked mostly in documentaries with the odd scripted project. Some highlights would be docs for “The Nature of Things”, a 90 min feature documentary entitled “Turtle Beach” for the BBC, 2 seasons of “First Contact” for APTN, 2 seasons of “Destination Nor’ Ouest” and 1 season of “La Ruée Vers L’Or” for TVA. Gabriel also co-DP’d the Emmy award winning documentary “Buffy Sainte-Marie: Carry it on”. Scripted work during that time included 3 seasons of the multi “Gémeaux” nominated kids series “Motel Monstre”, and 2 feature films.
Since 2019, Gabriel has turned his attention to scripted projects. He’s shot, a number of feature films including “Finality of Dusk”, Melaleuca” and most recently “Lucky Strikes”. Gabriel’s work in television includes the series “Edgar” and “El Toro”, a limited series for Radio-Canada.
To whatever project he commits, Gabriel brings a high level of quality and professionalism.