October 24, 2020
Harry Makin csc 1930-2020
Read MoreJuly 20, 2020
Roy Tash csc – Archival Images
TASH, ROY (Brooklyn, N.Y., USA, 1898-1988)
Roy Tash csc was a pioneer Cameraman who began filming news footage in Chicago in 1915 and moved to Toronto to work with Blaine Irish (on, e.g., the Camera Classics series and photographing the feature’s Satan’s Paradise).
In 1925-25 he was official photographer on the Canadian government’s annual expedition to the eastern Arctic. He joined Associated Screen News in 1925 and remained there throughout the rest of his career, shooting footage for all the major American newsreels (including the filming of the Dionne quintuplets in 1932), and some documentaries, including several Canadian Cameos. Roy was one of the founding members of the Canadian Society of Cinematographers in the late 1950’s.
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